Help for Parents and Families fighting forced adoption and foster care placement of children

Luke Borusiewicz A Child Protection Hero Join Luke's Army on Facebook I guess if you are on this site, you do not need me to tell you how seriously corrupt and evil the child protection system is. My hope is that you will speak out... start your own website, post on this one, and on the many others, join and support the child protection reform groups on facebook and on the sites.... Your children, and all the others legally kidnapped and lost in the child protection system need you to become a Child Protection Warrior. I have gathered much information on the site I built in memory of my two year old son Luke Borusiewicz, who died under suspicious circumstances in foster care. Luke's Photo Album shows you how beautiful a baby and son he was. I went in everyday to beg for them to give Lukey back, some of the references, DoCS (department of community services, Queensland, Australia)courses and my story can be found here. Help and advice for parents on the L...