Study Concludes That Kids Are Better Off In Troubled Homes Than In Foster Care

Study Concludes That Kids Are Better Off In Troubled Homes Than In Foster Care By Luke's Army For the Group Give Kristy Her Kids Back !! Maddie Needs Her !! {Official Petition} on Monday, November 29, 2010 at 7:52am Children are better off when left in troubled homes, and not detained in state custody foster homes. Joseph Doyle Jr., an economics professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management did a study on foster children compared to children living in troubled homes, funded by the National Science Foundation. He used the analytic tools of applied economics to discover that “…children on the margin of foster care placement have better employment, delinquency, and teen motherhood outcomes when they remain at home.” PLEASE, social workers, legislators, everyone. LISTEN. Most kids are better off when left in their natural family homes. If you care about children, if you want them to have good lives and turn out to be happy, productive citizens, don’t take them away from non-abu...