
Showing posts from 2011

Legally Kidnapped: Child welfare ‘failed’ caged Indiana boy

Legally Kidnapped: Child welfare ‘failed’ caged Indiana boy "Luke's Army" "In Loving Memory of Children Who Have Died in foster Care"

Legally Kidnapped: A Foster Care Success Story

Legally Kidnapped: A Foster Care Success Story "Luke's Army" "Luke's Army"

Study Concludes That Kids Are Better Off In Troubled Homes Than In Foster Care

Study Concludes That Kids Are Better Off In Troubled Homes Than In Foster Care By Luke's Army For the Group Give Kristy Her Kids Back !! Maddie Needs Her !! {Official Petition} on Monday, November 29, 2010 at 7:52am Children are better off when left in troubled homes, and not detained in state custody foster homes. Joseph Doyle Jr., an economics professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management did a study on foster children compared to children living in troubled homes, funded by the National Science Foundation. He used the analytic tools of applied economics to discover that “…children on the margin of foster care placement have better employment, delinquency, and teen motherhood outcomes when they remain at home.” PLEASE, social workers, legislators, everyone. LISTEN. Most kids are better off when left in their natural family homes. If you care about children, if you want them to have good lives and turn out to be happy, productive citizens, don’t take them away from non-abu...

The behaviour of DoCS and their treatment of this mother during this crisis has been unacceptable.

The behaviour of DoCS and their treatment of this mother during this crisis has been unacceptable. By Luke's Army For the Group Give Kristy Her Kids Back !! Maddie Needs Her !! {Official Petition} Monday, November 29, 2010 at 1:49am You are in my thoughts today Maddie. Please God, give this child the strength to recover and live a full life full of happiness with her mother, Amen.   I have spent the last four or five days devoted to exposing the injustices thrust upon Krysty and her children, I have abstained from dwelling on what was been done by the father, as it pains me to think of any child being hurt.   I have concentrated more on the disrespectful approach displayed by DoCS. No government department, no private enterprise, no individual displays such callous and contemptuous aggression to a distraught human being, struck with such a drastic tragedy in her life. This disgracious and ill-mannered behavior is habitual and commonplace for the hierarchy of the child ...

CPS Hiding Behind Media Laws (My reply to the NSW DoCS threat of Legal Action).

CPS Hiding Behind Media Laws By Luke's Army For the Group Give Kristy Her Kids Back !! Maddie Needs Her !! {Official Petition} on Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 12:05pm President Obama recently closed 80 sites related to counterfeiting in the US. This was not perceived as censorship, or a violation of civil rights. However, Ms Burney's threats, blackmail, bullying, extortion, call it what you like, shows that this woman is capable of more than just violating family rights, she will also strip you of your civil rights without a second thought and has done so for years. For people to be aware of the injustices this department inflicts upon families, is unheard rare. Does this woman think she is Obama, or our prime minister, she is not even the premier, she is a minister who must take full responsibility for this failing department. Oh how infuriating it must be to be told this by a skumbag like myself. I bet you wish you could censor me. I am the sort of person Linda likes to t...

Linda Burney's Sick Game of Family Torture

Linda Burney's sick game of family torture. By Luke's Army For the group Give Kristy Her Kids Back !! Maddie Needs Her !! {Official Petition} on Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 12:43am So...... Did bowing to Linda Burney's ( ) belittling demands make any difference to Kristy devoted and desperate attempt to have her family reunited????   No, and this should be a lesson for everyone who comes into contact with these deceitful and vindictive home wreckers. Do not trust them, especially the department of community services NSW, especially Linda Banshee Burney. Burney has displayed the depth that her callousness reaches. Her first action in this tragedy, remove parental rights, without a second thought. This is supposed to be a woman who is all about protecting children, and families. This woman and her department routinely encroach upon countless families unfortunate enough to be exposed to the...

Linda Burney's Sick Game of Family Torture

Linda Burney's sick game of family torture. By Luke's Army For the group Give Kristy Her Kids Back !! Maddie Needs Her !! {Official Petition} on Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 12:43am So...... Did bowing to Linda Burney's ( ) belittling demands make any difference to Kristy devoted and desperate attempt to have her family reunited????   No, and this should be a lesson for everyone who comes into contact with these deceitful and vindictive home wreckers. Do not trust them, especially the department of community services NSW, especially Linda Banshee Burney. Burney has displayed the depth that her callousness reaches. Her first action in this tragedy, remove parental rights, without a second thought. This is supposed to be a woman who is all about protecting children, and families. This woman and her department routinely encroach upon countless families unfortunate enough to be exposed to the...

Julia Gillard Prime Minister, Kristina Keneally Premier NSW, Linda Burney Minister DoCS NSW Under Investigation for Corruption

With possibly the most serious "evidence of departmental corruption" in Australian history surfacing in the department of community services in New South Wales (DoCS NSW), one wonders why nothing has been heard of it. Wouldn't the fact that the handling of just one family's case by DoCS NSW, revealing at least 20 different DoCS workers who behaved unethically, be alarming to anyone. One of the complaints of corruption by this woman who had her children wrongly removed for six months and abused by the time she got them back, was that she had rung the DoCS complaints line, run by "Linda Burney" and DoCS NSW, and had never once received the help that she undoubtedly was right in asking for. The DoCS complaints "Hotline" is a smoke screen and a safety net for "Burney" and her cronies, giving the impression that there is a complaints service in operation, and alerting the department should the need arise to destroy evidence, aler...

Complaint to the Independent Commission Against Corruption NSW

"Luke's Army." . This is my complaint to the Independent Commission Against Corruption NSW, regarding DoCS NSW, "Linda Burney" minister for department of community services New South Wales, Kristina Keneally premier of New South Wales, and Julia Gillard, prime minister of Australia. The link is at the bottom of the page for anyone who has had their children wrongly removed by this corrupt department The mother who proved that DoCS NSW acted unethically contacted me when her children were first taken claiming they were wrongfully removed. She sold her house to fight for her children back. There were four children wrongly taken. The DoCS complaints line. Evidence of corruption shown with thousands of complaints dismissed, or ineffectual. The sole purpose of this service is to offer false security of a safety net, be notified of wrongful decisions, and stay informed of who is aware of the corruption taking place. Julia Gillard is aware of thi...

Cover up by Kristina Keneally Premier NSW and Linda Burney

To have such a chatastrophe and try to keep it as quiet as possible, is another sign of corruption from within the Department of Community Services. The Premier obviously has every intention of giving the department a bandaid and making this astounding display of blatant corruption, seem as insignificant as possible, which means the department of community services will continue to fester. A tribunal is organised by the department of community services is about as useful as the DoCS Complaints Hotline. It is inadequate and displays the Premiers willingness to allow this department to continue it's "Reign of Terror" . For anyone not to be concerned of such significant corruption in a department that works with children, is unacceptable. For the Prime Minister and the Minister for department of Community services, blatant negligence, if not corruption. This department showed it unethical standards once again with this cover up. A tribunal to investigate the ...

The Department of Community Services Holocaust of New South Wales

DoCS NSW show festering signs of "Mass Corruption" , the holocaust of NSW DoCS continues unabated, and a serious audit the only option. The federal government surely responsible for any worsening from the time awareness of this atrocity began. An organisation that portrays itself as a beacon of light for children, befriends them, then abuses them, is the equivalent of a pedophile ring. DoCS NSW does not even befriend these children. The position of parents is wrongly shown as the least important relevance to a child. So many like "myself" , can make no difference to the situation of their children who were legally kidnapped. Hi Melina, I am still working with your case as a starting point for corruption in DoCS. What I would like to know is did you ever ring the complaints line and who else did you complain to. Because they have been proven to be corrupt, I am hoping this is a way to show that it is to do with the complaints line as well and want to se...

My last words to Luke

Thu, 18/06/2009 - 02:00 — Lukes Dad LOOK AT ME LUKE. (He looked me straight in the eye as I continued.) I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU LUKE. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LUKE. I AM TRYING TO GET YOU BACK THEY JUST WONT GIVE YOU BACK. I kissed him and tried to act happy so as not to upset him, but I was worried sick throughout the whole visit about him going back to that house, especially with the scratches on his face. When I mentioned the scratches to the visit supervisor and informed her he was always bruised and scratched, even burnt, she told me he had scratched his own face, that is what his foster carer had told her. My suspicion is the old lady let them all abuse my little baby and turned a blind eye to it. Luke drove off in the back of the child safety car and I collapsed to the ground in front of the playground and cried and cried and cried. I kept telling people I knew I was never going to see him aga...

Mass CPS corruption
